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Hosted by T-RAWW& Torio Bold

Games & Things to do:

Beer Pong - seriously, do i relly need to describe what beer pong is? lol


Pin The Flower On The Hippie - It's like pin the tail on the donkey except for this is a picture of a hippie with a flower in her hair. here's how this game goes... you pick a card, whatever number is on the card is how many shots you take divided by 2. You take the shots, spin around a stick ten times (face-down forehead to the stick), and then try to pin the flower on the hippie. hope you come to the party to try this out, its hella fun!


Musical Lap Dance - anyone that wants to participate will have their name pulled out of a jar to give a randomly selected Person or personally selected person a lap dance. Heres how it goes... You write your name down on the provided peice of paper and put it in your gender jar. Boys put in "boy's jar" girls put in "girl's jar". There will be at least 2 Musical Lap Dance Games played sometime out the night. When it's time for the game to take place, the Host, Torio Bold, will choose 3 names either out the boy jar or girl jar. The names selected will either get to choose someone to give a lap dance to or choose randomly out the jar. Once everyone is chosen 3 chairs will be placed in the center of the floor for the lap dancers to give to the recievers. When the music starts, the dancers dance and when the music stops the dancer must freeze. Whoever does not freeze is out. Winner recieves a Li Yoshimi goodie bag. You know you want to win that! :)


Pics, Pics & More Pics - disposable cameras will be given out to random people. take lots of pictures and turn in the camera by the end of the night or use the props that will be set on the prop table to take a few crazy pictures by the picture wall. Be apart of Li Yoshimi movement and be in a picture that will be apart of the beginning of LYhistory. how can you resist?!


Tree Notes - what did you think of the party? Did you like the clothing and accessories? Did you buy anything? would you come to another LYevent? How much fun did you have on a scale of 1-10? suggestions? answer one, a few, or all of these questions with brutal honesty! Fold the note and close pin it to The Peace Tree of Thought that will be set up. Your opinions will help me serve you all in future events. Thanks! -in future refrences of course :)-


Mystery Shot wall - Would you like to be reimbursed? let me show you how...There will be a wall of playing cards cut in half. Take a chance and Pull a card off the wall. Either win your $15 back you used to pay for your ticket by grabbing a joker, or lose and drink the number of shots diplayed on the card, which can be up to 15 shots!!! May the odds be in your favor!


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